Inside Bonfire Adventures, Comedian Njugush nasty brand fight

Tours and Travel company Bonfire Adventures and Comedian Timothy Kimani popularly known as Njugush are involved in a nasty Instagram brand fight. This is after Njugush, who represents rival tours and travel firm, Bountiful Safaris posted a video that did not go well with Bonfire Adventures, Kenyan business blog Bizna reports.

Tours and Travel company Bonfire Adventures and Comedian Timothy Kimani popularly known as Njugush are involved in a nasty Instagram brand fight. This is after Njugush, who represents rival tours and travel firm, Bountiful Safaris posted a video that did not go well with Bonfire Adventures, Kenyan business blog Bizna reports.

This is the bonfire adventures video Face with tears of joy

Njugush and Abel walisaidia kusukuma gari ya bonfire but then uploaded a video

Sarah Kabu akasema wanaharibiwa jina. What is there to catch?

— Mahenia Sam (@MaheniaSam) July 17, 2020

In the recent past, there have been many complaints pertaining to Bonfire Adventures, a company that is popular with staging PR stunts to win clients, something the socials have always condemned. 

Many blogs have exposed their bad experience with the once loved tours and travel company. 

CNYAKUNDI.COM is made to understand that many top officials have left Bonfire Adventures to form rival companies after they were allegedly mistreated by the flamboyant owner Simon Kabu.

Dr. Stella Bosire, a Nairobi based medic shared her story on Twitter. It set a furore of tweets, many exposing the travel firm a testimony as to why the company has seen an exit of staff. 

According to Bizna, The brand fight started on Thursday after Njugush posted a video of his tour in the Masai Mara on his Instagram platform. In the tour, Njugush was accompanied by his wife Celestine Wakavinye, their son Tugi, and the family of his friend and fellow creative Abel Mutua. This tour was sponsored by Bountiful Safaris who are business rivals with Bonfire.

Njugush’ video featured a tour van that was stuck in mud in the rough of the Masai Mara National Park. This van belonged to Bonfire Adventures. The video went to show how using a van from Bountiful Safaris, Njugush and his team pulled out the team from Bonfire. Evidently, the video carried a hidden but superior business message.

The team at Bonfire Safaris did not take the video kindly even though it is normal for tour vans to get stuck in the Mara rough roads especially during the rainy season.

Bonfire reported Njugush to the Instagram team and had the post pulled down for copyright infringement.

Well….. good morning, we can all win!!!! Smile and be happy,” the comedian said while reacting to the development.

Njugush’s fans went ham on the tours company accusing them of stretching their copyright, lacking, a sense of humour, and being sore competitors. Njugush Instagram.

